it's a rainy day.
what sh0uld i d0?
i'm afraid t0 call y0u.
i can't find the reas0n.
why has the s0und 0f ins0mnia.
bec0me s0 familiar.
silence has bec0me y0ur replacement.
waiting with me f0r the rain t0 st0p.
anticipating makes 0ne m0re and
m0re submerged in c0nfusi0n
wh0 is like me.
unable t0 find their s0meb0y.
after falling in l0ve y0u.
f0r s0me reas0n.
i'm always learning 0f l0neliness's flav0ur.
h0lding an umbrella al0ne.
wiping my tears al0ne.
being al0ne is s0 tiring.
what kind 0f rain.
what kind 0f night.
what kind 0f me can make y0u
think y0u think 0f me m0re.
h0w big d0es the st0rm have t0 be.
h0w dark d0es the sky have t0 be.
s0 that i'll have y0ur c0nsiderati0n.
actually. with0ut me y0u're
unable t0 tell th0se differences apart.
h0w much m0re 0bvi0us can the ending be.
d0n't say y0u'll be sad.
d0n't say y0u want t0 change.
the pers0n wh0's l0ved
d0esn't need t0 ap0l0gise.